Saturday, March 05, 2005

One BAD Apple

Man, friggin apple & its posse of lawyers REALLY get up my skirt. One minute they tell us to think different and THEN they set their thought police onto websites who refuse to think apple and reveal their sources, Hang on, martin bashir got away with the no comment first ammendment law BUT apparently apple & its lawyers dont count website journalists AS journalists.
Basically they are going after these 2 websites , and for leaking nfo on "Ateroid" a device which allows musos to plug their geetars straight into their apple puters, I mean its hardly an original idea and anyway, I thought Asteroids was a Game.
I dont get it, even peeps who worship & adore apple still get the shit kicked out of them by apple knows, like Fat Freddy's Cat War on the Cockroaches,

Theres plenty more where they came from!


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