Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Russell Who?

Russell in his Gay Days - Abs & Leather!

So russell crowe thinks Al Qaeda was behind a plot to kidnap him, I say dream on Russ LeRoq, what the hell would they want you for, it wouldnt be for your acting skills OR politics because you pocess neither of those.
Maybe it was to teach their young trainees surprise attack JUST like when you "took out" that journo at the Brit Awards.
OK Russell, I know you haven't been on E for a while OR, for that matter, Womens Weekly, Womens Day or even TV Guide BUT this Al Qaeda kidnap plot seems like a BAD attempt to remind people that you are still around.
Bad news russell, fame is fleeting and you have already had your 15 minutes.
You should have stopped acting after "Romper Stomper", that was an ok movie but, hang on, who was I writing about...?


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