Friday, July 08, 2005


OK, Yeah, its bad the London bombs BUT , Man, get a grip, think of the Iraqis who have these attacks & WORST, E V E R Y Freakin DAY, its sad really, 5 Bombs go off in Iraq, 97 people die, these bombs werent happening in Iraq b4 Bush "saved" Iraq, NOW, its a daily occurance that hardly makes the news BUT, 4 Bombs go off in London & OOOH, its ALL OVER the news 24/7, it makes me realise how much media time 97 dead Iraqis get compared to 37 dead Londoners & it AINT nowhere near even.
Its sad the Londoners died BUT whats WAAAAY sadder is the fact that Iraqis Die like this EVERYDAY & it hardly makes the news anymore, thats why Im saving ALL my Sadness for the Iraqis, they need it more, nuff said.


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