Friday, April 08, 2005

The Pope is Dead, So What?

Pope Will Burn in Hell - Official

So the pope died last week, about friggin time, I thought he was ALREADY dead anyway.
This may sound harsh but really, what good did the pope ever do for the People of Sudan, or The Congo or, for that matter, ANY poor starving People ANYWHERE?.
I mean, the vatican has got BILLIONS of dollars worth of artwork, PLUS Billions of dollars in money and yet, I dont see them helping the Worlds Poor in anyway at all EXCEPT telling them crap like its EVIL to use condoms, I mean WTF!?

A Small selection People the pope didnt lift a finger to help

I think if Jesus did come back down to Earth he would PUKE on the pope, the vatican and ALL their cronies, just like when he threw the money lenders out of the chapel, go Jesus!
Also, I didnt realise the Bible promoted hoarding money and artwork and basically SHITTING on the poor, I mean Big J was a poor carpenter himself, he didnt have hoards of cash OR an art collection, basically the OPPOSITE of the pope.
So, I say Good Riddance pope, you evil old bugger, you WILL be in Hell by now, Good One!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Death with Dignity

wtf does that ACTUALLY mean, death with dignity as opposed to death WITHOUT dignity, I mean WTF?!

Pope has Feeding Tube inserted, Ouch!

You want me to stick this up my Nose,
Lord have mercy on my nose and everything that may enter it, Amen

A word of warning to the Pope, Dont go to America if You want to KEEP that feeding tube!

Graeme Capills name is Unsuppressed

Graham Capill, Dirty old man

And remember, You heard his Guilty Ass name here FIRST, Prominent NZer my ASS!