Sunday, July 24, 2005

Extreme Fashion Police Shoot Innocent Man

Thats right, apparently the reason those Pommy police shot that Innocent Brazilian Man was because he was wearing a Big Coat & "acting strange" (whatever that means?!)
So, if you live in London try not to wear anything that may be considered out of season or You will be shot by the Fashion, I mean anti Terrorist Police,

Yanks Kill 400% More Civilians Than "Insurgents"

An Iraqi baby killed by American and British air strikes in Hilla.

OK, if You live in Iraq you are four times more likely to be killed by a Yank than an "Insurgent"
It goes like this, apparently 25,000 CIVILIANS have been killed since the War started, thats AT LEAST 25,000 because this is only the People reported by the media & everyone knows the media arent really on the ground in Iraq, they are hiding in the Green Zone.
Anyhoo, 36% of these Civilians have been killed by the yanks while only 9.5% have been killed by the "Insurgents", its strange because watching the news You wouldnt even know the Yanks were killing soooo many Civilians, at LEAST 9,000 of them.
So, its a Fact, if You are an Iraqi Civilian You are 400% more likely to be killed by a Yank than an "Insurgent" so BEWARE OF AMERICANS!

Friday, July 08, 2005


OK, Yeah, its bad the London bombs BUT , Man, get a grip, think of the Iraqis who have these attacks & WORST, E V E R Y Freakin DAY, its sad really, 5 Bombs go off in Iraq, 97 people die, these bombs werent happening in Iraq b4 Bush "saved" Iraq, NOW, its a daily occurance that hardly makes the news BUT, 4 Bombs go off in London & OOOH, its ALL OVER the news 24/7, it makes me realise how much media time 97 dead Iraqis get compared to 37 dead Londoners & it AINT nowhere near even.
Its sad the Londoners died BUT whats WAAAAY sadder is the fact that Iraqis Die like this EVERYDAY & it hardly makes the news anymore, thats why Im saving ALL my Sadness for the Iraqis, they need it more, nuff said.