Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hollywood Trailer Voice Guys

I always wondered what these guys looked like, actually, I thought it was just ONE guy, they all sound the same to me.

Checkout the Video HERE

Christian Minister In Televised Call For Murder Of Venezuela's President

Christian Minister In Televised Call For Murder Of Venezuela's President

Ive got a BETTER Idea, how about this...

Unsane blogger calls for Mass Sodomisation of "Christan(?)" minister, Pat (Mind Your Children) Robertson, with Animals

Oh Lord, Sniff my finger

I say, leave the poor Animals out of it, the ONLY animals allowed near his "sphere of influence" should be his mates at the 700 club.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Slain Terror Suspect Didn't Flee Police, Report Says

Turns out the Guy the cops shot DIDNT have on a Big coat & he WASNT acting "strange", Man, the BS the media & authorities feed us makes Me PUKE!

Key points

• Leaked documents claim suspect was not running away when shot
• Earlier claims on suspect's dress and vaulting of barrier also challenged
• Revelations will add to embarrassment of Met Police over killing

Key quote
"As he walked out of my line of vision I checked the photographs and transmitted that it would be worth someone else having a look. I should point out that, as I observed this male exiting the block, I was in the process of relieving myself." - SURVEILLANCE OFFICER

Pressure on London police grows over dead Brazilian

'Shoot-to-kill' suspension call

Brazilian's death 'murder' says family after leaked report

Innocent Man,


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Why Iran will lead to World War 3

Compliments of Information Clearing House...

Why Iran will lead to World War 3

PS, I dont understand why Iran shouldnt be allowed a Nuclear program. Personally I dont think any country should have one but with enemies like the USA, Britain & Isreal having them, and no news agency (The usa & british ass licking cnn, foxnews, cnn etc) seem to think thats a big deal, I think Iran has EVERY right to have a Nuclear program too. I mean the ONLY country that has ever nuked another country is the f*ckin usa, HYPOCRATS!!!
Also, Iran just wants Nuclear Power unlike britain, israel & the usa who have actual Nuclear Weapons.

Killings of civilians by U.S. troops angers Iraqi government

This is just ONE reason People HATE America
Killings of civilians by U.S. troops angers Iraqi government

Saturday, August 06, 2005

This is what happens to Young Soldiers the Gutless old men send to Iraq

Video: Iraqi Resistance Attacks And Kills U.S. Marines

This video is purported to have been taken on 08/01/05 by a section of the Iraqi resistance and shows an attack in which 6 U.S. marines are killed.


This video shows the reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience.
Remember, baby bush, cheney, blair & rumsfield are DIRECTLY Responsible for these deaths, as well as the (at least) 40,000 CIVILIANS Killed in Iraq

Click here to view. Windows Media"

(Compliments of The Information Clearing House)

Bush, Blair, Rumsfield & Cheney Must DIE!

Check these links out NOW!
(Compliments of The Information Clearing House)

Blood and Gravy
Bush's dirty war
The responsibility we share for Islamist shock and awe
When I read stuff like this I get really p*ssed off at the LOSERS running the world, I hope some brave person sticks some TNT up Bush & his cronies assholes & BLOWS them Up, I'll have a Good laugh at their body bits, they DESERVE it ESPECIALLY when I think about the MISERY those A-holes have caused ALL OVER the World
And, as for Blair, may an exploding bomb find its way up your ass, You are a GUTLESS little ass licking boy.
btw, I am no Islamic Extremist, Im a Person who likes to know the TRUTH But I dont always like what I hear.
Its a myth that there is a war on extremists, the REAL extremists are baby bush, puppy dog blair, thieving no morals cheney & rumsfield baby KILLER.
I will Dance in the Streets the day these A-holes die & believe Me, it wont happen over night but it WILL Happen.