Man!, Im watching skynews, theres a story about how Muslims shood chill out & let Anyone make fun of their Religion, ridicule them, basically treat hem like shit.
Well, that Mite be alright EXCEPT, Imagine if they said the SAME thing about Jews, it would then be called Antisemetism, they would be Mel Gibsoned!
I HATE Hypocrites & I HATE the way its OK to ridicule Christians & Muslims but then treat Jews with kid gloves, I mean, they even have laws where You cant even Question ANYTHING about the Jewish Holocaust, even My little statement will be seen by some as Antisemetic, I say, Get Over it, I want REAL Free Speech, not SELECTIVE fREE sPEECH, where its OK to Diss some, ie Christians & Muslims BUT its a CRIME to the EXACT SAME Thing to Our Jewish Friends!
Just like Homer Simpson once told Me,
"Allah, Buddha, God, I Love you ALL!"