Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Killing Children in Their Sleep

Man, those Israelis sure like killing Innocent Women and Children, ESPECIALLY when they're sleeping!

Theres nothing like lobbing a few tank shells at sleeping civilians, eh Israel.

The thing that REALLY pisses Me off though is the way ALL the mainstream media still justifies these acts by saying, "oh, its in retaliation for those rocket attacks"
Well, firstly, those "rocket attacks" never do any real damage, just compare the death tolls, and secondly, maybe those "rocket attacks" are in retaliation to those Friggin tank/helicopter/rocket/shell/F16/army WHATEVER attacks Israel does EVERY FRIGGIN DAY, almost always with plenty of Civilian casualties!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Mel Gibson is Right!

You are right Mel

You know, Mel Gibson was right when he said Israel is responsible for most of the wars going on at the mo. Think about it, they ruined the Middle East when they STOLE Palestine from the Palestinians back in 1948, I still don't understand why they think they had the right to do that, basically a whole lot of European Jews moved in from Europe and STOLE a whole country, that is Evil.
Another nasty thing Israel does is shoot innocent People and then justify it by saying they are defending themselves. In reality the Palestinians are the one defending themselves from the Israelis, logically the numbers speak for themselves, the kill rate is like 20 Palestinians killed for every 1 Israeli, that aint fair, and on top of that, the Palestinians are defending THEIR Homeland which was STOLEN by a gang of European Jewish Terrorists 60 years ago!
Then, if anyone speaks out against Israel and its friggin lobby,the adl and every other friggin Israeli controlled system INCLUDING ALL the Mainstream media, they get called anti semetic, that is BULLSHIT!
I was just watching cnn, the Israelis shot and killed a Palestinian Woman after already Murdering at least 20 Palestinians in the last 2 days, cnn JUSTIFIES this immediately by saying "at least half of those killed by the Israelis were Militants", so FRIGGIN What, that means at least half of those murdered by Israel were CIVILIANS.
As soon as ONE israeli is killed, whether it be a soldier or civilian, it is the LEAD story on bbc, cnn, fox, ALL the Israel controlled media, YET EVERY DAY, the Israelis are MURDERING Civilians in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine, Lebanon, whereever and it hardly even makes the news!
I REALLY think the Middle East would be a much better and peaceful place if Israel DIDN'T exist, REALLY,think about it, I can say whatever I like about Iran or Syria, I can say they should be wiped off the map and NO ONE stops Me or says, oh, thats so nasty BUT as soon as I say Israel should be wiped off the map I'm anti semetic and evil, thats Bullshit too!
Fact, the Middle East and the whole wide world would be far more peaceful with NO Israel.
Like I said at the start, Mel Gibson was right.