Sunday, March 27, 2005

Naughty Graeme Capill is the "Prominent New Zealand Man"

Now this is ABSOLUTELY 100% Pure NZ Goss!
Last week, on our TV news, there was a story about a "prominent New Zealand man" who had just been charged with molesting a child under 12 AND, of course, he had his name suppressed.
Anyhoo, when he was leaving court he got attacked by some dude, heres an action shot...

the Attack

So, of course, everyone wants to know who the prominent New Zealand man is, SO, I checked my sources (yeah right) AND I found out it was this guy Graeme Capill.

Graham Capill, "Prominent New Zealand man"

Now, normally, I wouldnt really care about this type of news EXCEPT, this guy Capill is a friggin Hypocrat. He started the Christian Heritage Party in NZ, back in the 90's, and he was all fire and brimstone about molesterers, paedophiles, etc etc and it turns out HE HIMSELF is a Freakin paedophile, I mean WTF?!
I went to the Christian Heritage website to check his name etc, but theres not ONE single mention of the guy, Man they moved FAST to delete all traces of him!
So, Graeme Capill, fine upstanding christian and founder of the Christian Heritage Party NZ, is actually a paedophile AND a hypocrat - SHUT UP!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

DVD Jon fixes Apples Fix

OK, first a group of Norwegian "underground programmers" (spooky!!) figured out how to open a back door into Apple iTunes, which allowed puter users to buy iTunes music FREE of Copy protection.
THEN, Apple patched the hole.
NOW, the group has reopened the iTunes back door and DVD Jon, a Norwegian Dude who was previously responsible for releasing software used to copy DVDs, has posted the software, called PyMusique, HERE, so YOU can go and download it and have DRM Free music too
btw, You still have to PAY for it!

Download the PyMusique iTunes fix

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Stoopid Technology

Attitude - NOT!

I remember when this thing called "ginger" was big news on Da Web, about 3-4 years ago, ANYWAY, people like steve jobs etc were saying it was to be the BIGGEST thing since the Internet, bla bla bla bla blaaaaaa
It turned out to be Segway, this STOOPID old man, fat person, lazy cow, who/wotEVER transporter, I mean, if this is the future, what parallel universe are we talking about here?
The segway, to me, is the epitome of the Lazy Westener, oh, its too far to walk ALL the way down the hallway, Id better take the segway.
I just checked out the segway site and it says "More Power, More Attitude," Hold up there, ATTITUDE, ..... on a segway, I think NOT Baby Puppy.
Man, that old geezer has got ATTITUDE on his segway, or, Wow, that Fat Dude has DEF Attitude on Da segway - I dunno, segway and attitude are 2 words I would NEVER have thought about having in the same Office Block, nevermind SENTENCE
Until I see someone do a BACKFLIP on a segway, they will remain machine non grata.
If you want attitude, Get a Skateboard!!!

Monday, March 21, 2005

MJ STILL Innocent

MJ flashes Me a Peace Sign

"btw", He said, "I read Brainfade EVERYDAY"

Breaking News, Story may NOT be true!

The story "Syrian President Bashar Assad Reads My Blog" (below) is Probably NOT true

Syrian President Bashar Assad Reads My Blog

Assad Reads My Blog

Man, so HE is the ONE who subscribed!

Cable Guy

The Cable Guy is here to fix my internet connection.
Its been c-c-c-craawling along lately, like theres treacle in the pipe.
I pay for 10Mbps BUT Im lucky to get 2 - 3Mbps, Veeeery anNOYing cos its costing me a Bomb!
He promises by tomorrow I WILL be happy, better bloody be!

Cool, mobile Super Wide View+

Now this is COOL, the clown is't

Samsung have got a new type of LCD screen for mobiles and other small screen gadgets that has a waaay bigger viewing angle, 160 degrees rather than the 80 - 100 degree viewing angle of normal LCDs
I LOVE Technology!

So its NOT True - Petrol station mobile risk "myth"

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Plus Petrol Station does not

go...... BANG!!!

The commonly-held belief that turning on a mobile phone in a petrol station can cause an explosion could be a myth, researchers have said.
Phew!, ANOTHER less thing to worry about.

Terrorism, I Wouldnt Worry About It

Talking about Mind Control makes me think of Terrorism
They just had a story on sky news about Australia having a special Terrorism Court.
Personally I haven't lost ONE Seconds sleep worrying about the big T.
For starters I know I am about 10 million times more likely to be killed in a road accident than by some act of terrorism, or get cancer, cos I smoke, and yet, "they" have managed to get 90% of the Western World worried about something that will probably NEVER happen to them, I mean, why not a special Bad Drivers Court?


Ive got sky news on in the backround, Anyway, they just had a story about Aussie students being caught for plagiarism, the STOOPID part is, the story led with "The Internet is being blamed..."
wtf? - how can you blame the internet, as far as I know it still doesnt have MIND CONTROL!
(or is the Internet MAKING me think that?! doo doo doo doo dah dah dah DUH!)

Sunday, March 20, 2005

In Love with Mobiles

I just read an entertaining article "New Line on Mobile Sex" over at
The first part is EXACTLY how I was when I got my first DECENT fone, you know, one with EVERYTHING.
Anyhoo, take a gander over HERE

Saturday, March 19, 2005

RSS, Mefeedia, Enclosures - Help!

It seems like the more I get into this blogging thing, the more there is to learn.
Right now, Im trying to UNDERSTAND all this RSS, Feed, enclosure stuff, Man its hard to concentrate some days!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Mobilefone Video Test

I realise the cost of watching Videos on mobiles is HUGE, but, by using bluetooth along with the Opera Browser for Nokia (free trial) and Sony Ericsson phones (fully free), I am able to surf the web on my P800 and N-gage for free, its easy to set up so if anyone needs help with this, leave a comment.
I also realise that only a few people are willing to watch video on these tiny screens BUT I like the idea SO my vlog NoodleFEED will have a Mobile version of each vlog as well as Broadband and Dialup versions.
I know it will work on a P800, P900, P910 and Nokia N-gage because Ive tried it out on all of these fones.
Can people who try playing this video on your fone, either via bluetooth or the normal way, please leave a comment to let me know how it went please.
btw, i DO realise it is a Repeat of the same video AND not a good choice for such low Bitrates BUT Im so busy getting NoodleFEED ready.
Im using this Blog as a testbed until my REAL vlog NoodleFeed opens.
Then this will become a normal blog again while NoodleFEED becomes my vlog.
btw on a PC or Mac the link below will open in either Quicktime or RealOne player.

Click here to Play on Your Mobile


The Weblog Project

Worth a Look

It sounds like a takeoff of "The Blair Witch Project", they have similar names, are both made very cheaply, and shot with consumer cams BUT it does look interesting.
Its definitely worth looking into, ESPECIALLY for vloggers, because you can particpate by sending in a short video clip, which could just be one entry to your vlog, and it might end up in the movie.
Also, you get to vote for your 20 favorite bloggers, and The Weblog Project will interview the winners as part of the film.
Heres a bit of info from the Weblog Project website...

What Is The Weblog Project?
TheWeblogProject is the first open source, FREE, grassroots movie to promote and evangelize bloggers, the blogosphere, and their potential.

TheWeblogProject is a movie to help people to better understand:

a) why blogs are important

b) what is possible to do with a blog

Here are some possible complementary sub-themes:

  • What can you do with a blog today?
  • What is the social and cultural impact of blogs?
  • How blogging is impacting news, business, political and all the social fields around us?
  • How are blogs changing the world of media?
  • How blogging is changing (y)our life?

“Blog? What’s a blog?”

Anyhoo, check it out here - The Weblog Project

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Video Blogging

Ive been reading a LOT about video blogging, or vlogging, in the last couple of days. Its definitely a COOL thing to do, as You may have noticed I have one video on my Blog but Im not sure if this makes it a vlog.
So, I will be starting a real vlog, which to me means a Blog made up of video messages rather than text & image messages, although I noticed on the vlogging newsgroup people have been debating what a vlog actually is!
Anyhoo, Im looking forward to starting my new vlog, it will be called noodlefeed, named after all the 2 minute noodles I have lived on, my biggest problem has been figuring out the best formats and bitrates to use so that ANYONE who visits noodlefeed will be able to view the videos with no extra effort involved.
Finally, I had another thought about the definition of a video blog, in many ways Webcams like Jennicam, remember that?, were the original video blogs, what do you think?

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Cool New Google News Feature

Customize Me

Hey, check out the new Google News page customizing feature, Friggin A!

When Good Helpdesks go BAD

When I got my P800 cellfone back in 04, the first thing I did was ring up Vodafone to get the settings for Pxting and using the wwweb. Man, I couldn't believe how FAST and HELPFUL they were!
After years of waiting on the fone for whatever, and listening to MOR muzak and computer people telling me to press button 1, 2 or 3, I just accepted that this was the way of "the helpdesk" so, after experiencing Vodafones AMAZING helpdesk, I took comfort in the fact that if anything went wrong with my fone they would come to my rescue Quickly AND sort the problem, AWESOME!
A year went by and I didnt really have any need to use Vodafones helpdesk UNTIL last week. I rang Vodafone thinking Cool, this will only take 5 or so minutes BUT 2 hours and 3 wrong setup files later my faith in Vodafones helpdesk had gone, Bummer!
Maybe they were having a bad day and they did EVENTUALLY get it right BUT, its sad when Good Helpdesks go BAD.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Superfast Train Trip Video

Click on pic to play Video

I filmed the trip from home to Tech, then sped it up HEAPS.
Check out the scenery at 600 mph!

Ive added some more versions of the video so anyone with a Mac, PC or Smartphone should be able to watch the video.
MP4 videos will play in Quicktime or RealOne, wmv files play in Windows Mediaplayer. These players are all FREE downloads, personally I think the MP4 versions look the best.

Just click on the link toplay windows media video
    Ive also added a video for Smartphones
    Njoy the trip!

    Sunday, March 13, 2005

    Catherine Zeta Jones NAKED!

    ssssssssssssSmokin' !!!

    Health warnings dont apply to "people like us"

    Saturday, March 12, 2005

    Today is a Great Day

    My P800

    Ive had this Sony Ericsson P800 "smartphone" for about a year now, it cost me a bomb, and for the last 2 months the phone part just wouldnt go so, it was smart BUT, not a phone. People could ring me but couldnt hear what I was saying SO, I go to TradeMe, a New Zealand auction website, and I bought a Nokia N-gage.
    I LOVE this phone, it does EVERYTHING the P800 does except it has no camera. Then again, the P800 has no radio although there are some software radios like the Virgin Radio available but I have to pay to listen over GPRS, while my n-gage radio is FREE to use.

    My N-gage

    Funny thing is, the n-gage got absolutely DISSED in most reviews, but now Im wondering if these reviewers actually used their n-gage. Its soooo freakin good for gaming, I got a 1gig MMS card in it, so its also my MP3 player PLUS, with Mobipocket ,an EXCELLENT ebook and edocument reader, AND an AM/FM radio to boot, this thing has got EVERYTHING!
    Another thing was the HUGE price difference, the P800 was NZ$1600 (US$1181) while the N-gage only cost me NZ$200 (US$185)
    Anyhoo, I spent most of the time using the n-gage but I didnt like taking it out (huh, its a MOBILE moron) - Yeah, I know but I didnt want to break it!
    I used the P800 as my mobile but could only txt on it UNTIL today, I FINALLY fixed the stoopid thing & now I can actually TALK on it, its back to being a smart phone again, Yay!
    That is why today is a great day, its the simple things!

    Nokia N-gage
    Sony Ericsson P800
    Virgin Radio

    Thursday, March 10, 2005

    Beware the Cellphone Virus.....NOT!

    Actual Pxt of Codewarrior Virus

    Man, if I see another article about cellphone viruses I WILL tell Osama Bin Laden where you live!
    First up, no-one has ever actually caught one of these vaporware viruses BUT they still seem to be headlining in some Tech magazine/website/blog/whatever almost daily.
    Theres the story about cabir being seen in a shop window, well WHO actually saw it, where was the shop and how was it "seen?" PLUS in order to actually get cabir you HAVE to be both smart and stupid because it involves using Bluetooth and most people I know with Bluetooth cellphones don't even know how to use it EXCEPT mobile gamers and they are smart enough to know that if a strange sis file shows up in their inbox its prolly a good idea to NOT install it!
    Today I see more headlines, New virus threatens cellphones, Phone Virus Launches New Era and another 138 related articles (Thanks Google) - Anyhoo, I go and read the New virus threatens cellphones "article" at the globeandmail website and it goes on to say its the first virus capable of spreading via MMS etc etc etc bla bla bla BUT further down the page I read "As of Tuesday, there have been no reports of actual attacks by the new virus, said U.S software security company Symantec Corp" - WTF!
    Basically, its another scaremonger story about something BAD that might happen to you if you don't take precautions and listen to "the man" because he is the ONLY one who knows how to fix it, avoid it, kill it or have its babies BUT it WILL cost you.
    REALITY CHECK, its Absolute Crap, NO-ONE has ever actually caught cabir or codewarrior or ANY OTHER CELLPHONE VIRUS EVER, in fact I think the new definition for "Vaporware" should be "cellphone virus"
    The thing is, whoever "the man" is, he KNOWS that if enough of these articles are read by enough people it will become reality because these days, perception IS reality.
    It reminds of the 90s and the Y2K experts/stories/websites/cures etc etc etc, companies and consumers spent billion$ to fix the "problem", some people worried their toasters wouldn't work come New Years Day 2K, while others "fixed" these toasters and made a fortune in the process and yet, the whole Y2K thing was ABSOLUTE BS.
    Moving on to the Nauties We had WMD and once again, TOTAL BS but "the man" still managed to get a war out of it!
    Cellphone viruses are the new fear for the masses BUT, I say, Dont Fear the Virus UNTIL someone you know actually gets one.
    btw, whatever happened to all those Y2k "experts"

    Tuesday, March 08, 2005

    Russell Who?

    Russell in his Gay Days - Abs & Leather!

    So russell crowe thinks Al Qaeda was behind a plot to kidnap him, I say dream on Russ LeRoq, what the hell would they want you for, it wouldnt be for your acting skills OR politics because you pocess neither of those.
    Maybe it was to teach their young trainees surprise attack JUST like when you "took out" that journo at the Brit Awards.
    OK Russell, I know you haven't been on E for a while OR, for that matter, Womens Weekly, Womens Day or even TV Guide BUT this Al Qaeda kidnap plot seems like a BAD attempt to remind people that you are still around.
    Bad news russell, fame is fleeting and you have already had your 15 minutes.
    You should have stopped acting after "Romper Stomper", that was an ok movie but, hang on, who was I writing about...?

    Please Explain

    Leave it alone little bush
    (and I DONT mean Iraq)

    OK, on one side you have little bush telling Syria to get out of Lebanon, on the other side we have the WHOLE WORLD (apart from the brown-nosing poms, aussies & a small assortment of other losers I mean nations) telling little bush and his Cronies to get out of Iraq.
    What I need to know is why should Syria listen to little bush while he and his cronies are doing the same thing in Iraq - its called OCCUPATION.

    The AntiBush

    The ONLY difference I see is that the Syrians arent killing INNOCENT Civilians, Journos and their Bodygaurds Plus they were INVITED into Lebanon and NOW Syria is pulling out of Lebanon WHEREAS little bush DOES kill and maim Civilians, Journalists, Body gaurds and EVEN his own Soldiers and "Friends" (Thank GOD for friendly fire!), was NEVER Invited into Iraq AND he wont be leaving anytime soon, I call that HYPOCRACY!

    With "Friends" Like these...

    Nicola Calipari's Funeral

    Man, those trigger happy Yanky Boys are at it again, Shoot first, ask questions later.
    It IS efficient though cos they get to kill whoever they want and then use the "3 seconds to decide" excuse to get away with it.
    BTW, Im blogging on about the Italian Journo Giuliana Sgrena & Her trusty Bodygaurd Nicola Calipari (NOT Kevin Costner) who were fired up by them trigger happy Yanky Boys, they Injured Giuliana and Killed Nicola.
    The REALLY Ironic thing is that Giuliana Sgrena was held by the "Insurgents" (or are they really just Freedom Fighters) ANYHOO, She survived the kidnapping ONLY to be almost Murdered by the "Liberating" Yankees, that IS Ironic
    Finally, news on the grapevie is that Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi is SPEWING!

    Giuliana Sgrena in a safer place

    PS, I am NOT Anti American, I just dont like the current Government, PeaceOut.

    Monday, March 07, 2005

    Is The Pope ALREADY Dead?

    Note again the Muppet type arm control s clearly visible in this shot of the Pope giving communion.

    More Evidence the Pope needs more than just Rest

    Note the Muppet type arm controller and what appears to be a Puppet string holding up his head.

    Sunday, March 06, 2005

    Member Of US Congress Calls for Nuking Syria

    Nuking Syria

    Sam Johnson, republican dude from Texas (where else?) thinks nuking Syria is a good idea, No Sh*t!
    He says "Syria is the problem. Syria is where those weapons of mass destruction are, in my view. You know, I can fly an F-15, put two nukes on 'em and I'll make one pass. We won't have to worry about Syria anymore."
    First up, WHAT freakin weapons of mass destruction & secondly, I AINT worried about Syria FOOL!
    Heres the full story

    Saturday, March 05, 2005

    Da Phuture, According to DoCoMo

    Vision 2010

    Hey check this out, Vision 2010
    Its a video about the future of mobiles & the amazing things they'll allow you to do including PC hand, which allows you to transmit an objects sense of touch over the air, 3d holograms, mobile wallet etc etc.
    Now imagine the PORN on these things! - You'll NEVER have to leave your bedroom again.
    (note to self, get a life)

    One BAD Apple

    Man, friggin apple & its posse of lawyers REALLY get up my skirt. One minute they tell us to think different and THEN they set their thought police onto websites who refuse to think apple and reveal their sources, Hang on, martin bashir got away with the no comment first ammendment law BUT apparently apple & its lawyers dont count website journalists AS journalists.
    Basically they are going after these 2 websites , and for leaking nfo on "Ateroid" a device which allows musos to plug their geetars straight into their apple puters, I mean its hardly an original idea and anyway, I thought Asteroids was a Game.
    I dont get it, even peeps who worship & adore apple still get the shit kicked out of them by apple knows, like Fat Freddy's Cat War on the Cockroaches,

    Theres plenty more where they came from!

    Things I Learnt from TV Today

    Not my actual TV

    I watch a LOT of TV, in fact my tele is on 24/7 EVEN when Im asleep, that way I get whats on even IN MY DREAMS.
    Anyhoo this is what I leant today & is aimed mainly at my "Crim" Friends...
    DONT Lick envelopes.
    Thanks to The Discovery Channels "The FBI Files" for the tip

    GeeBub holds it in for the Cameras

    Another thing I learnt today was that GeeDub smoked Pot & Snorted cocaine - Go GeeDub!
    Thanks to Sky News for the HeadsUp

    Friday, March 04, 2005


    WTF is Haiku?

    Oh yeah, they're these 3 line Japanese Poems ALTHOUGH they Can be less than 3 lines nb my one lettered Haiku
    Todays Lesson Complete

    Haiku for People
    A Haiku Homepage

    Extreme Haiku


    Todays Haiku

    10 megabits per second
    makes the webpage
    load quickly

    Yesterdays Haiku

    I Hate flash splash screens
    On my Dial up

    Formula One 2005 is GO!

    Australian GP is GO!

    Man!, I LOVE Formula One & the first GP is this w/e - Cant wait!
    My guess is Kimi R 1st, JP Montoya 2nd & Heidfield 3rd...

    Crashnet F1
    BBC Sport F1
    Live Timing here

    Well so much for my prediction, heres the results of the Australian GP, the first for 2005
    1st. - Giancarlo Fisichella (Renault)
    2nd. - Rubens Barrichello
    3rd. - Fernando Alonso (Renault) 3rd

    Thursday, March 03, 2005

    Think Different but not THAT Different!

    Think Different, Yeah Right

    Steveyboy Jobs, the guy who DIDNT invent the Mac is such a hypocrate, he tells us to "Think Different" & then when someone actually does "Think Different" he blocks them for "violating apples copyrights"
    Case in point, three months ago, artist Francis Hwang was blocked from selling an unauthorized Special-Edition Negativland vs. U2 IPod on eBay's auction site after Apple complained it violated its copyrights.

    Friggin Bashir

    Bashir Groping some Babes

    This guy Bashir is a Freakin LOSER, hes the reason MJ is in trouble thanks to his Creative editing, now the freak is too friggin gutless to open his mouth in court & answer a simple question, he makes me PUKE.
    Hey Bashir, I got a message for you, you'd better watch your back because I am going to put "Kick Me" on if I EVER see you on "the street"

    Michael Jackson is INNOCENT!

    The Face of Innocence

    Michael Jackson is INNOCENT.
    He is being HARRASSED by this bloke called Thomas Sneddon who has been on Michaels case since 1992.
    He is a DA with a cause, a BAD cause, I say Sack him cos he WILL Lose this trial.
    The way he is on MJs case makes Me think that HE has something to hide, maybe HE is projecting his BAD self onto an INNOCENT Michael, iow is Sneddon the REAL Child Molester? - Maybe
    Also, the Boys mother is a scheming grifter out to get money by using her SICK Child.
    That is REALLY SICK, she is a conniving cunning NO GOOD Bitch and if I ever see her in the street I will put Gum in her hair and remember when Lisa Simpson got Gum in Her hair, Not a pretty sight!

    Aside from all the commotion around MJ, let us remember two REAL paedophiles.
    Roman Polanski RAPED a 12 year old Girl, then fled the US and is too GUTLESS to return to the USA to face the music.
    Even so, he still managed to win a Freakin oscar for some crap movie about a piano!
    Then there's Arthur C Clark, another paedophile who got away with it because his victims were "just Native Boys".
    Finally, BOTH of these guys have kept it quiet due to their FRIENDS in the mainstream media - PUKE!!!!!

    Wednesday, March 02, 2005

    The REAL Mac Inventor Just Died

    Jef Raskin, the Macs TRUE Inventor

    Jef Raskin is the Dude who REALLY invented the Mac and sadly, on Saturday he died of of pancreatic cancer, he was 61.
    According Michael Malone's 1999 book Infinite Loop, Raskin in 1979 proposed building an easy-to-use computer for consumers. Steve Jobs derided the idea--then codenamed "Annie" as the "dumbest idea he'd ever heard of" - Doh!
    What I want to know is how Steveyboy Jobs gets the credit for ideas he never thought of AND even Dissed!

    Tuesday, March 01, 2005

    Charlie Hits the Piss

    "I thought the Briitish were supposed to be compassionate" sobbed Charles, while his "Mates" laughed behind his back